
Each month starting on the 1st ending on the last day of the month

Account balance
Customer payment and renewal day will be the day when io audio receives and confirms customer´s payment.

Payment methods
We accept transfers, all major credit cards, paypal and payoneer.

Customer account
Customer will be responsible for designating one Key Account that will be in charge of purchasing administration during the lifetime of our services, Customer will also have one access as Video producer using our platform to request and receive io services. Only customer will be responsible for resetting passwords and keep them safe, Key account and Video producer could be the same person if customer wants.

Working days & hours operations
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 9 pm, America CT

Working days & hours administration
Monday to Friday from 11 am to 6 pm, America CT

December 24th, 25th, 31st, January 1st

Trial period
Customers can use a one time 30 days trial period, without paying any fee, this does not include music from our library nor other services besides the described at the trial offer at the service page; after the trial period comes to an end, customer could choose a paid plan or leave the service.

Cancel account
If customer wants to cancel our service it will have to be with 30 days prior notice in written, without any refund and avoiding bridge of contract timing. Customer at any time can reactivate his service; in case customer reactivates the account that had a positive money balance, io audio will recognize that balance only within the dates fixed on the contract.

Downgrade & Upgrade of service level
Customer on Upgrade will pay the difference fee between his current and new service level, starting on the month of the upgrade, in case of downgrade customer will pay a fee equal to a 10% based on the monthly amount on his actual service and an additional 10% based on the monthly amount of his new service level if they want to downgrade again. On downgrades customer will lose benefits of the actual level once he reaches his due date, and will acquire only the benefits of the new service level starting on the due date; on upgrades customer will pay extras with the new level fees i.e. If customer has gold plan and upgrades to platinum on any other day that is not his account balance day, customer will pay the extra minutes with the fee of platinum plan just until he reaches his balance day, which will be taken as a new point of start where customer will have the minutes and fees included on the new plan.

Contract duration
All contracts by plan will last 12 months, but payments can be done annually or on a monthly basis.

For customers without a plan, price could increase at any time without previous notification, if customer is already under a plan, the increase could be up to 5% applied to the renewal plan.

All communications and deliveries must be done using IO´s platform, emails and whatsapp in order to be valid and comply the delivery time frame warranty.

Non digital delivery
If a customer does not want or cannot use digital communications, he can send his materials at his own delivery cost and without delivery time frame warranty to io audio address.

How to create an account
Select trial or a plan, you will be prompted to accept terms and conditions, then you will be asked to fill in your company information, receiving a customer´s unique account number and you will be ready to upload your first job.

Purchases in our website
All purchases done in our website will be paid upfront, and you will receive a code which could be added at the time of a job upload, in case you want additional services (i.e.) Extra fee on urgent jobs per minute, music from our library, etc..

Security on data
All your data is managed through the ssl security protocol, Stored through MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, using frameworks that guarantee data security (Codeigniter and WordPress). All data sent is encrypted from end to end and stored and all financial transactions are carried out without your bank details being stored on our servers.

Account recovery
For account recovery, just click on the “Lost Password” link that our system will automatically send you an email with a link to reset your password.

Password reset
For password reset, just click on the “Lost Password” link that our system will automatically send you an email with a link to reset your password.

Report website issues
If you encounter any trouble with our website, please contact us at:

Usage of music library
Depending on the hired service level, customer will have right of a fixed number of free of sync music, that could be taken from our music library, in case of not having or exceeding the monthly number of music on his service level, customer will be able to purchase any music from our library, with his previous Key account authorization. Music can be used without sync fee as long as they keep our services, once they decide to leave our services, in order to continue using the music, customer will have to pay the sync fee marked on our music library at the time of the event. Use of IO Music must not be sync as a jingle, sound logo, ring tone or resale.

Music library licenses
Social media license grants permission for usage on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Internet ads, radio over IP (RoIP).
Radio, Satellite TV and Radio, TV Broadcast, networks license grants permission for usage on all broadcast, cable TV services and for VOD platforms as retransmission of the original signal.
Sublicense You can only sublicense our music to other companies for the purpose of produce Customer Productions on your behalf.
Film license grants permission for usage on platforms as Netflix, Amazon Prime, movie theaters and on demand services.
Exclusive agreement opens all license levels except for video games license and does not remove the right for the composer to use the music on his own projects and composer holds all copyrights. If purchased music has a lyrics version, both versions will be included as exclusive agreement.
Video games license grants permission for usage to sync within the entire game but not as a sound logo, nor as promotional music; in that case the customer will have to buy another license (i.e.) Social media license to promote their video game on Facebook ads

You can only sublicense our music to other companies for the purpose of produce Customer Productions on your behalf.

Extra fee on urgent jobs per minute
This fee will remove 8hrs from the normal time of delivery (applied one time only per job)

Job flow
From his main panel each customer will upload video, OMF, AAF and/or audio stems and provide detailed instructions vs time code so our sound artist can get all information needed to fulfill the job; sound artist will revise the upload and accept or provide feedback to the customer on what changes must be done to the files. Once accepted by IO, we will start the job and comply within the specific time frame; we will deliver it through customer´s panel, sending notification to inform that the job is ready.

What is revision
Revision will be considered as any modification that has to do with the original job and has the same duration or less, where the counted job will be the one with the longest duration (i.e.) Original video with 30 seconds and review video is 45 seconds, total job will be counted as 45 seconds. Lead time of delivery on a review will vary and supplier will provide it at the time of confirmation of the review.

Cancel a job
Once a job is confirmed by IO, customer will have a window of 5 mins to cancel the job, in case of exceeding this window time, the job will be considered as completed and charged into customer´s account.

What is a job
Job is the creation and/or the manipulation of audio that could be sync with a video requested by the customer. This may also include sound design and repair or cleaning stage of the material if needed during post production. Duration could be everything starting from 1 second, (i.e.) 3 jobs of 20 seconds each = 1 minute.

Delivery of jobs
Our deliveries will be in WAV or MP3, stereo, bit rates of 44.1kHz and 48kHz and WAV resolutions of 16bits or 24bits, and MP3 resolutions from 128kbps to 320kbps and multichannel formats 5.1

Upload for a job
Upload video, OMF, AAF and or audio stems; in case of a non visual job just describe what is needed through our job submission.

What if I send a job after hours
If you send to IO a job after our operations working hours, then the job will be received and confirmed at 9:20 am CT of the next available working day.

Sound effects (SFX)
For all jobs customer can provide his own SFX, but also IO can add in-house SFX as requested.

Extra revision per job
We include 2 revisions per job, but it is possible to acquire additional revisions for an extra fee.

Extra fee urgent job per minute
This fee will remove 8hrs from the normal time of delivery (applied one time only per job and cannot be combined with extra tracks or effects).

Fee per extra track
This fee will have to be applied everytime customer´s job has more than 16 tracks; keep in mind time frame delivery warranty could be removed due to track increase.

Max time customer will have after revision
Regular time for each job´s feedback is 5 business days but if requested, customer can increase the waiting time up to 15 business days to provide us a reply on his job.

Our services and products
Audio restoration and repair: With industry standard software iZotope RX we could repair damaged audio by removing unwanted noises, reducing clipping and optimizing speech recordings.
Mixing for broadcast: Our mixes are optimized to work across all platforms, to comply industry standards like ITU BS.1770 for America, EBU R128 for Europe, OP-59 for Australia, ARIB TR-B32 for Japan, Digital media.
Sound design: Create specific aural world that helps to tell your story, using technical and artistic resources combining organic and inorganic sound effects.
Music library: Our library includes in-house produced music for any production.
Tailored music: For any type of project, music themes can be composed or arranged to suit your requirements
One shot and large scale projects: Contact us at
Sound logos: These are the perfect match to build a solid brand, raising awareness with audio and not only use of visuals.


5.1 jobs will have 100 SFX per minute as maximum, if service is requested after we initiate the project, an additional fee of 60% of the cost will be charged plus Tax per minute ($80+$48=$128 USD + Tax), audios generated for 5.1 surround systems are not playable in headphones, since headphones can only recreate 2 channels. These audios are designed to be broadcast on audio systems or platforms with specific 5.1 Surround Audio capability.